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Hotel Bellaria Iasi

Christening party at Bellaria Hotel

The Christening party is an important, emotional and challenging moment for its main stars: the baby, mummy and daddy. And because it’s the baby’s first party, tastefulness, distinction and  uniqueness are mandatory.

This is why you’re invited to uncover the 3 locations that can host memorable christening parties:

Clasic Restaurant is dressed in white-golden shades, with stained glass and discrete mirrors that are adding a touch of familiar, close and cosy. See photo gallery.

Gourmet Restaurant, with its distinctive dark red, is the location for elegant, precious and pleasant christening party. See photo gallery.

Loja Domneasca Restaurant unveils to its gusets as a versatile location, that can easily meet every themed christening party. See photo gallery.

For further details please contact Irina. (e:, m: +40 749 125 448)

Comanda mancare de la restaurant Rustic

Hotel Bellaria Iasi